Why Potatoes Don’t Cook in Slow Cookers: Understanding the Science Behind It

When I first started using my slow cooker, I was disappointed to find that my potatoes were not cooking properly. They were still hard and unappetizing even after hours of cooking. Wondering why this was happening, I did some research and found out that potatoes can be tricky to cook in a slow cooker.

One reason why potatoes may not cook properly in a slow cooker is due to the high temperatures needed to rupture their cell membranes, lose structure, and become soft.

To achieve complete softness, potatoes need to be brought to a boiling point, which is 212°F (100°C). Slow cookers, on the other hand, cook at a lower temperature, typically between 170°F to 280°F (77°C to 138°C), which may not be hot enough to fully cook the potatoes.

Another reason why potatoes may not cook properly in a slow cooker is due to an enzyme contained in potatoes called polyphenol oxidase.

As the enzyme interacts with air, the potato oxidizes and turns brown. This can result in a less appetizing appearance and texture. However, soaking potatoes in lemon water before placing them in a slow cooker or Crock-Pot can kill the enzymes and prevent browning.

slow cooker

The Science Behind Potatoes and Slow Cookers

How Slow Cookers Work

Slow cookers, also known as crockpots, are a popular kitchen appliance used to cook food at low temperatures for extended periods.

They work by heating the food slowly and evenly over time, allowing the flavors to meld together and the meat to become tender. Slow cookers use a heating element to warm the pot, which then heats the food inside. The lid traps the steam and moisture, creating a moist and flavorful environment.

Why Potatoes are Difficult to Cook in Slow Cookers

Potatoes are a staple in many dishes, but they can be tricky to cook in a slow cooker.

The reason for this is that potatoes contain a lot of starch, which can make them turn mushy and unappetizing when cooked at low temperatures for extended periods. Additionally, potatoes have a tough outer layer that can make it difficult for heat to penetrate and cook them evenly.

One reason why potatoes don’t cook well in slow cookers is that they don’t reach high enough temperatures to properly cook the potatoes.

To achieve complete softness, potatoes need to be brought to a boiling point, which is 212⁰F (100⁰C). Slow cookers typically operate at temperatures between 170-280⁰F (77-138⁰C), which is not hot enough to break down the starch and fully cook the potatoes.

Another factor that makes potatoes difficult to cook in slow cookers is their size and shape. Potatoes are often cut into large chunks or left whole, which can make it difficult for heat to reach the center of the potato. This can result in uneven cooking and a mushy texture.

In conclusion, while slow cookers are a convenient and popular way to cook meals, they may not be the best option for cooking potatoes.

If you want to include potatoes in your slow cooker meal, try boiling them first, then adding them to the pot with the other ingredients. This will help ensure that they are fully cooked and have a desirable texture.

Tips for Cooking Potatoes in Slow Cookers

Preparation Tips

When cooking potatoes in a slow cooker, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure they cook properly:

  • Choose potatoes that are similar in size so they cook evenly.
  • Cut the potatoes into even-sized pieces to ensure they cook at the same rate.
  • Place the potatoes at the bottom of the slow cooker to ensure they are fully submerged in liquid.
  • Add enough liquid to the slow cooker to cover the potatoes completely. This will help them cook evenly and prevent them from drying out.

Cooking Tips

Here are a few tips to ensure your potatoes cook properly in a slow cooker:

  • Cook the potatoes on high for 3-4 hours or on low for 5-6 hours. Cooking them for too long can cause them to become mushy.
  • Avoid lifting the lid of the slow cooker while the potatoes are cooking. This will release heat and can cause the potatoes to take longer to cook.
  • Add seasoning to the potatoes before cooking, or add it towards the end of the cooking time. This will help the potatoes absorb the flavors better.
  • If you’re cooking potatoes with other vegetables, add the potatoes towards the end of the cooking time. This will prevent them from becoming overcooked while the other vegetables are still cooking.

Alternative Cooking Methods for Potatoes

When it comes to cooking potatoes, slow cookers may not always be the best option. If you’re looking for alternative methods to cook potatoes, here are a few options:


Boiling potatoes is a quick and easy way to cook them. Simply peel and chop the potatoes into evenly sized pieces, then place them in a pot of boiling water. Cook for 15-20 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork. Drain the water and serve the potatoes as desired.


Baking potatoes is another popular method of cooking. Preheat your oven to 400°F. Scrub the potatoes clean, then poke them with a fork a few times to allow steam to escape. Rub the potatoes with a bit of oil and sprinkle with salt. Place them on a baking sheet and bake for 45-60 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft when pierced with a fork.


Fried potatoes can be a delicious and crispy alternative to slow-cooked potatoes. Cut the potatoes into thin slices or small cubes, then heat some oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the potatoes and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until they are golden brown and crispy. Drain the excess oil and serve hot.

Overall, there are many ways to cook potatoes, and each method has its own unique advantages. Whether you prefer boiling, baking, or frying, you can enjoy perfectly cooked potatoes every time.

Modern electric multi cooker on table in kitchen. Space for text


As I researched why potatoes don’t cook well in slow cookers, I came across a few common questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

Q: Why are my potatoes still hard after cooking for so long in a slow cooker?

A: This is a common issue that can occur when cooking potatoes in a slow cooker. One reason for this is that the temperature inside the slow cooker may not be high enough to soften the starch in the potatoes. Another reason is that the potatoes may not have been cut into small enough pieces.

Q: Can I cook potatoes in a slow cooker with other vegetables?

A: Yes, you can cook potatoes in a slow cooker with other vegetables. However, it’s important to cut the potatoes into small pieces so they cook evenly with the other vegetables. It’s also important to add enough liquid to the slow cooker to ensure that all the vegetables are fully cooked.

Q: Can I cook potatoes in a slow cooker without boiling them first?

A: Yes, you can cook potatoes in a slow cooker without boiling them first. However, it’s important to cut the potatoes into small pieces and add enough liquid to the slow cooker to ensure that they cook evenly and are fully cooked.

Q: Can I use frozen potatoes in a slow cooker?

A: Yes, you can use frozen potatoes in a slow cooker. However, it’s important to thaw them first before adding them to the slow cooker. This will ensure that they cook evenly and are fully cooked.

Q: How long does it take to cook potatoes in a slow cooker?

A: The cooking time for potatoes in a slow cooker can vary depending on the recipe and the size of the potatoes. Generally, it takes about 4-6 hours on high or 8-10 hours on low to fully cook potatoes in a slow cooker.


After researching the topic extensively, I have come to the conclusion that potatoes do not cook well in a slow cooker due to their cellular structure.

Potatoes and other root vegetables require high temperatures to rupture their cell membranes and become soft. Slow cookers are not able to achieve this temperature consistently, leading to undercooked potatoes.

However, there are some tips and tricks that can help improve the outcome of slow-cooked potatoes.

Soaking the potatoes in lemon water before placing them in the slow cooker can help kill the enzymes that cause discoloration and texture issues. Adding some liquid to the slow cooker, such as broth or water, can also help create steam and improve the cooking process.

It’s important to note that not all slow cookers are created equal. Some models may have higher temperature settings or more consistent heating elements, which can improve the outcome of slow-cooked potatoes.

It’s also important to pay attention to the size and shape of the potatoes, as larger or irregularly shaped potatoes may take longer to cook.

Overall, while slow cookers may not be the best option for cooking potatoes, they can still be a convenient and easy way to prepare other dishes. By following the tips and tricks mentioned above, you can improve the outcome of slow-cooked potatoes and enjoy delicious, tender spuds.

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