Can I Take A Slow Cooker On A Plane: Key Guidelines Explained

When it comes to packing for a trip, I often wonder if it’s possible to bring a slow cooker on a plane. This might seem like an odd question, but as a fan of home-cooked meals, I find slow cookers to be convenient for preparing nutritious dishes while traveling.

The ability to easily transport one’s slow cooker could be an amazing advantage for those who travel frequently and prefer to cook their own meals.

With a multitude of rules and regulations on what can and cannot be brought on an airplane, it’s essential to understand whether or not a slow cooker is permitted on board.

After conducting some research, it appears that in general, pots and pans, including slow cookers, are allowed in both carry-on and checked bags. However, certain items like cast iron skillets must be placed in checked bags as they are not allowed in carry-on luggage.

While slow cookers seem to be acceptable on planes, it’s important to consider size constraints and airline-specific requirements when planning to travel with one.

Ensuring the slow cooker fits in the overhead bin or under the airplane seat is crucial to avoid any issues during the journey. It’s also a good idea to check with individual airlines to be aware of their specific rules and regulations regarding slow cookers in carry-on luggage.

slow cooker

Airline Regulations for Slow Cookers

As a traveler, I need to be aware of airline regulations for carry-on items, especially when thinking about bringing a slow cooker on a plane. This section will discuss restricted items and size and weight limits for carry-on luggage.

Restricted Items

While some items are allowed in checked luggage, they may not be permitted in carry-on bags. Items such as flammable liquids, sharp objects, and large tools are generally restricted for safety reasons. It’s essential to check the guidelines set forth by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the specific airline I’m flying with to determine if my slow cooker is considered a restricted item.

Based on my research, I did not find the slow cooker being explicitly restricted as a carry-on item.

Solw Cooker Size and Weight Limits

Each airline has specific size and weight limits for carry-on items, which I’ll need to consider before attempting to bring my slow cooker on the plane.

Generally speaking, most airlines implement a maximum size policy of 22 inches by 14 inches by 9 inches for carry-on luggage, while personal items must be no more than 17 inches by 13 inches by 9 inches. It’s important that I measure my slow cooker and check if it fits within these dimensions.

Furthermore, I should confirm my slow cooker’s weight to ensure it doesn’t exceed any airline-imposed weight restrictions. Some airlines may have stricter limits, so it’s recommended to verify the specific rules of the airline I’m traveling with.

In conclusion, it is possible to bring a slow cooker on a plane; however, I must adhere to airline regulations for carry-on items. By ensuring my slow cooker is not a restricted item and falls within the airline’s size and weight limits, I can successfully transport the appliance during my travels.

Preparing Your Slow Cooker for Travel

As someone who loves their slow cooker, I know it’s essential to prepare it well for travel, especially if you’re planning to bring it on a plane. To ensure a smooth trip, I’ll guide you through the necessary steps in this section, focusing on two crucial sub-sections: Cooling and Cleaning, and Packing.

Slow Cooker Cooling and Cleaning

First and foremost, make sure your slow cooker has completely cooled down before starting the cleaning process. Unplug it and let it sit for a while until it’s safe to touch. I recommend doing this at least a couple of hours before you plan to pack it.

Next, clean your slow cooker thoroughly. As with normal cleaning, remove the insert and wash it separately. Keep in mind that leftover food could cause a nasty smell or draw the attention of security personnel, so it’s best to avoid that. Wipe down the outside of the slow cooker as well, ensuring it’s presentable and free of any sticky residue.

Beef stew cooking in a clow cooker. Hearty warming winter food.


When it comes to packing your slow cooker for transport, protecting it from potential damage is crucial. I recommend securely wrapping the appliance in bubble wrap or towels to provide a cushion, focusing on the vulnerable ceramic insert and the heating element. This added layer will help protect your slow cooker from knocks and bumps during transit.

After wrapping, place your slow cooker in a sturdy cardboard box or, if you have one, a padded carrying case designed for slow cookers. Make sure there’s no room for the appliance to shift during travel, adding extra cushioning materials as needed.

Finally, take any accessories, such as the power cord or cooking utensils, and pack them separately in a ziplock bag or smaller container. This will ensure they are organized and easy to access when you’re ready to use your slow cooker at your destination.

Alternatives to Taking a Slow Cooker on a Plane

In this section, I will discuss some alternatives to taking a slow cooker on a plane. There are a few options to consider if you’re unable or unwilling to carry your slow cooker as part of your luggage.

Shipping Your Slow Cooker

One option I can consider is shipping my slow cooker directly to my destination. This can be a convenient way to have my slow cooker with me without worrying about luggage restrictions, security checks, or potential damage during travel. Using a reliable courier service and proper packaging can ensure the safe arrival of my slow cooker.

However, it’s important for me to keep in mind that shipping costs may vary depending on the weight and size of the package, as well the destination and delivery speed. It is also crucial to plan ahead, shipping the slow cooker in advance to ensure it arrives at my destination before my arrival.

Renting or Buying at Your Destination

Another alternative I can explore is renting or buying a slow cooker at my destination. Renting a slow cooker may be a cost-effective option, especially for short stays. There are several appliance rental services available that cater to a diverse range of kitchen appliances including slow cookers.

If I’m planning an extended stay or frequent visits to the same destination, it might make sense for me to purchase a slow cooker locally. I can search for retailers that offer affordable pricing, and consider it an investment for future trips.

To help me decide which option works best for my situation, I can consider factors such as duration of my stay, frequency of my visits, shipping and rental costs, and my personal preference for using my own slow cooker. While it may take some planning and research, there are viable alternatives to carrying a slow cooker while traveling by plane.


In this section, I will answer some frequently asked questions related to bringing a slow cooker on a plane.

1. Can I bring a slow cooker in my carry-on luggage?
Yes, you can generally bring a slow cooker in your carry-on luggage. However, it is a large electrical appliance, which might be better suited for checked luggage. Keep in mind that airlines may have different policies, so it’s best to check with your specific airline in advance.

2. Can I pack food in a slow cooker for a flight?
You can pack solid food items in your slow cooker for a flight, such as cooked meats, seafood, and vegetables. However, be sure to properly seal the slow cooker to prevent leaks or smells. Note that foods in liquid or cream form, like sauces and dips, must adhere to the 3.4-ounce rule for carry-on luggage.

3. Are there any restrictions on types of slow cookers allowed on planes?
Generally, there are no specific restrictions on the type of slow cooker allowed on planes. However, you should check with your airline for any unique guidelines or size restrictions for electrical appliances in carry-on or checked luggage.

4. What precautions should I take if I pack a slow cooker in my checked luggage?
When packing a slow cooker in your checked luggage, make sure to wrap it securely to protect it from damage during the handling process. Additionally, as with any electrical device, it’s essential to label your slow cooker with your name and contact information in case your luggage is lost or delayed.

5. Are there any other tips for traveling with a slow cooker?
When traveling with a slow cooker, consider using a small bungee cord to secure the lid tightly. Hook each end of the bungee cord onto the slow cooker’s side handles and wrap it around or thread it through the lid’s top handle. This can help prevent spills and ensure your slow cooker is secure during travel.


In summary, I can confirm that it is generally allowed to take a slow cooker on a plane. It is important, however, to ensure that the slow cooker complies with the transportation security regulations of the country where the flight is departing and arriving.

As I have found, many people have successfully carried their slow cookers in their hand luggage or checked luggage without any issues. When packing the slow cooker, I would recommend placing it in the checked luggage if its size does not fit the carry-on baggage restrictions.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the weight of the slow cooker; if it’s too heavy, it might exceed the allowed weight limit for either carry-on or checked luggage. In such cases, adjusting the distribution of items in the luggage may be necessary to comply with the airline’s baggage restrictions.

Lastly, while packing a slow cooker for a plane journey, I should ensure that the appliance is empty and clean, to avoid any potential complications during the security checks or boarding process.

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